Feb 8, 2009


At the time the 4th Framework Programme was in preparation the growing recognition of the importance of biotechnology for innovation, growth and employment in Europe was reflected in initiatives aimed to regulate and support the bioindustry and enhance applications needed in agriculture, health care and the environment. The European Commission’s Biotechnology programme (1994-1998), provided the framework to reinforce the European science base in biotechnology, and create the links between that science base and established companies while promoting the formation of small firms. The biotechnology programme mobilized research and various actors to meet the needs of European citizens as competitiveness and quality of life must go hand in hand

A similar process aimed at improving food quality processes and developing environmental friendly agricultural practices was taking place in the parallel R&D programme FAIR (Food Agro Industry Research – 1994/1998). The ELSA (Ethical Legal Social Aspects) approach, which is a common research subarea for the above programmes, dealt with ethical, social and legal issues raised by specific
applications of biotechnology, agricultural, food and fisheries production systems, etc; ensuring that these aspects were taken into account in public policy deliberations. Both the Biotechnology and the FAIR programmes supported projects investigating the real and potential socio-economic impacts of research in the agricultural, food and food biotechnology areas. Some projects dealt with social expectations and public communication strategies, contributing to the public debate. The projects that were considered relevant in the context of this catalogue are presented in the following pages. A total budget of roughly 8 million Euros has been spent on these projects.

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