Feb 7, 2009

Drivermax Software eksport driver kompie kita

Kalo kita format ulang windows, tentunya kita harus menginstall kembali driver-driver motherboard pada computer, nach kerjaan ini nich yg bikin muales banget, apalagi kalo driver ato cd motherboard ilang wah kacau tuch....setelah tanya sana-sini dengan mbah google akhirnya saya dapet software yg namannya drivermax dengan software ini kita bisa merekam atau mengeksport driver-driver yang digunakan dicomputer kita, kemudian menyimpannya di drive yang aman seperti D atau E.

Kemudian setelah komputer diformat dan diinstall xp kembali maka cukup dengan menginstall drivermax kemudian mengimport driver yang udah kita simpen dlm bentuk folder atau dalam bentuk zip, komputer siap digunakan seperti semula, hal ini bisa dilakukan pada cpu lain dengan syarat OS masih dapat digunakan. Maksudnya apabila kita diminta untuk memperbaiki laptop temen yang cd motherboardnyaa udah ga ada maka kita ga usah repot lagi mencari driver yang diperlukan pada motherboard laptop tersebut, cukup gunakan saja software Drivermax

oya sekedar informasi software ini hanya bisa bekerja pada OS windows xp pack 2 yang lainnya udah saya coba tapi tidak support dijamin "hang" dech...

download drivermax + crack

DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need.
You can also export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place!
Most of the situations when Windows is running slower are caused by faulty driver installations. Windows stores all versions of older drivers just in case you want to go back; sometimes it messes up older versions with more recent ones. The Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the needed files to a folder or a compressed ZIP file.
After reinstalling Windows all drivers will be back in place in less than 5 minutes - sparing you of searching, inserting disc after disk and losing precious time. The Import Drivers wizard allows you to install all the drivers that you exported earlier. The entire operation might take up to 5-10 minutes.
Just one single computer restart will be required after all drivers are reinstalled!
DriverMax is able to display a complete report of all drivers (versions, release dates) installed on your system. This feature can also be very useful when you want to analyze the differences between the drivers installed on different machines.

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